Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Ethiopia ranks 142 out of 159 on Human Freedom Index

Ethiopia is in the bottom 20 countries in terms of personal and economic freedom according to this year's Human Freedom Index (HFI). This is as a result of the EPRDF government's policy of wide-spread repression and rampant corruption. It's widely known that Ethiopia has been scoring low on important global benchmarks including the HFI.
People protest government repression in streets all over Ethiopia

The Human Freedom Index is a global measurement of personal, civil and economic freedoms and is published annually. This year's edition is co-published by the Cato Institute, the Fraser Institute, and the Liberales Institut at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.
Corruption has sky-rocketed under former prime minister Meles Zenawi' era

In the 2016 rankings, the top five freest countries in the world across all categories are Hong Kong, Switzerland, New Zealand, Ireland, and Denmark, while the least free are Libya, Yemen, Iran, Syria, and the Central African Republic.